Wednesday, October 8, 2008

email and alt tags why do you need them?

I recently got an email from Tiger direct. You know the company that sells really reasonable computer stuff. Today's blog is not about what Tiger direct sells but what they send you in your email box. I got an advertisement from them but I was not able to view any or the products because the email message was in a sliced picture format.

If your a new company getting your name out there with your products this may not be the way to go and chances are your email message will be sent to the email trash can.

Which brings me to the point when you create an email news letter or advertisement make sure you add alt tags for your subscriber to get an idea what it is that you are trying to sell. It also helps those who are visually impaired and rely on alt tags to describe what the product is they are reading. If you have a website not only does it help search engines tell the user what is on your website but it helps those who can't see your photos. So make sure you put some descriptions on your alt tags.

So when you create your next email newsletter make sure you add those alt tags. They will help you keep your subscribers from leaving your newsletter.

Here is a link on what alt tags are:

Notice in the link example when you hover your mouse over the image you will see some text. This is how you know there is an alt tag for that image.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bookmarks plugin for Firefox and Googles Chrome Browser

Recently I went onto the firefox website to view some of the plugins that firefox has to offer its users. I found an interesting plugin that allows users to save their plugins onto a website using either firefox or google's chrome broswer.

The way it works is you download the plugin onto your browser. It will prompt you to log on when you first open your browser. Once you log on, the user can then save their plugins like normal. If you go out of town and say you forget what website you bookmarked you can always go to the website foxmarks and login and you will be able to view all your bookmarks.

The site has other features if you have an Iphone and other mobile devices for your bookmarks so check out the site. Foxmarks is a pretty cool plugin.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Riley Hopkins - Flying Wing - squeegee review

If your a screen printer like myself you may have seen these at screen printing shops.

The concept of the Flying wing is a good concept. It has a good handle as far as how the squeegee feel because the handle is made in a natural angle of the hands. The handle is pretty easy to clean as well with screen wash so cleaning it is a breeze.

As for the cons I still feel the the flying wing squeegee may be a little to heavy compared to a traditional straight squeegee. If you doing small jobs then its not really a big deal but if your doing a two, three color job at 600- 800 shirts it will take a toll on you.

If they made the squeegee a little lighter or equal to weight to a traditional squeegee then they would have a perfect product.

On the upside if your a beginner getting into screen printing it makes a good product to learn proper stroke angle when you do your prints.

Fire Fox Tips and tricks and reviews

One of the features I love about Firefox is the different keyboard options that you can use to tab on certain pages. For example you can click control t to create a new tab, Control + or minus to zoom in and out.

Control W is to close a tab

Control shift t to open a tab on your browser

And Im sure there are others.

Firefox has a cool plugin to save your bookmarks called foxmarks. Its a plugin that allows you to manage your book marks from any computer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Make sure your site is searchable. - a review on a website

Two years ago I was asked by a non profit to examine their website. They asked me why their website was not searchable.

I told them I don't do websites for a living but I was willing to take a look and see how I could help them.

What I found out is that their site's information was in the form of a picture. Don't get me wrong the site was nice but their content was unsearchable. As you know if your in the SEO business you will know that content is king in the search engine world.

Here is what I am talking about. I'm not picking on this company but this is a company that has a good product but their front page is not searchable.

If you notice their site has the same problem as the non profit. Their graphical layout is pretty decent but you notice if you try to highlight any of their content you find that the content is in the form of a graphic.

A simple remedy for this is to create the graphic and set it as a background or place it in a css style sheet. This would take care of the search function. This is not just only on graphics with text but also look at how your web buttons are layed out. For navigation buttons remember to place an alt tag on the button so that search engines as well as people who use a keyboard to read words will be able to navigate your site. And if your in business you may want to do this. Its the law. I remember Target fell into this issue with their navigation on their website because some of their products didn't not have alt tags and were not searchable.

Remember when creating websites content is king. Graphics supplement your content so make sure your content and your design complement one another.

Have a goodnight but thats my website review for tonight.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Inkscape Vector Drawing Free program

Getting into the graphic design does not have to cost 400 - 1000 dollars to get started. With Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw you know these are the standards to vector based drawing.

Today I want to talk about a free open source drawing program called Inkscape. This is a drawing program that was developed by volunteers and continues to be improved on.

If your a Corel Draw user you will see many of the drawing features that Inkscape has to offer. Its a free program so what do you have to lose. Don't take my word for it. Do a search on Google or yahoo and you will see that inkscape is making its name on the vector based drawing circle among graphic designers. So check out out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fire Fox Review part 2

Check out this firefox review

Fire Fox review

The firefox browser allows a user to add different plugins such as the weather and other features that are free. The one feature I like from Firefox is that from time to time the browser to tell you when an update is available. Unlike Internet explorer the only way to get updates is when you do an update for the whole windows explorer update. Which at time is not often. Since Firefox is and open source browser, developers can make security patches to the browser and send the updates.

Firefox in my opinion uploads faster. There are some incapaiblities with some companies such as yahoo music but that is minor compared to all the benefits that Firefox offers.

This is just a short review on what I think of Firefox.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Quick Chrome Browser Review

This is my two cents about what I think of the new browser from Google. Chrome is the beta browser this is suppose to take internet explorers users share of the pie.

That will be yet to be seen. I uploaded it a few days ago and this browser claims to be more secure then Firefox and Internet explorer. One nice feature from the new browser is that the site shields the user from a phishing site or a malware site. Which I felt is a pretty cool feature.

Some of the things I didn’t like from the browser is that there is no home button. I even when to the options panel to see if there was an option to view buttons but no where to be found. The browser does give you a short cut on the top menu bar to your home page but if your familiar with the other browsers like I am. Well that’s kind of annoying.

Second when you want to set your home page it sets it to a different tab so your still on the google page.

If they make the view preferences easier then I would go with this browser. But for now I'm sticking with Mozilla Firefox. Easier to use, updates frequently, loads quickly, tons of plugins but thats just preference

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Google's Web Browser - Chrome

This week in news a new browser by google has been released called Chrome. Google has been the leader in the search market and has dominated with paid advertising. Google plans to use their leverage by bringing more users to use their search engine to drive more traffic to the site.Stay tune for my critique and use of the new browser.