Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Interesting commerical.

When I first saw this video I didn't first understand it until the end of the video. It was a creative approach to something we normally don't always see at first glance.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to FTP with Godaddy with Dreamweaver

Here is a video I found on how to ftp if you are using a godaddy account. As you know if you have godaddy as a host provider its not easy to find clear instructions on how to ftp using dreamweaver or any type of ftp program.

Dreamweaver Tutorial - Setup FTP remote settings for Godaddy and - Watch more Funny Videos

Monday, June 14, 2010

Free Photoshop like editor and suite programs

I stumble upon this free software program which works similar to Photoshop elements. I love photoshop but its always cool to see what other alternatives are their besides the open source of gimp.

 This editor is called Aviary which contains a suite of programs you can use to develop your creativity. Check out their photo gallery to see what others have done with the editor. One strong feature this editor has is its distortion tool which works seamlessly with when creating blends.

Anyway don't take my word for it check out the editor. Aviary photoshop like editor

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A new look at how flip books work

I found this video a while back and its pretty cool how this one illustrator created a flip book video with sheets of paper.

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Rumor on Apple's New Iphone

With all the news on the new iphone leak an article has arisen with with
new details on what the new phone will have. Apparently the new phone will have
two camera built in features. The one on the back for your picture taking with a flash
and one camera on the front for video conference.

Its to bad ATT and their services can't keep up with Apple's technology. Great product bad 3g service. Will see what is in store for Apple's new Iphone

The new Features for Apple's Iphone next generation