Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Youtube capture plugin short tutorial. How to download the dam thing

I find myself sometimes wanting to watch my favorite youtube videos when I'm not plugged online. The problem is there had not been an easy way to do this until now.

Now I won't go to much into detail but if your a Mozilla firefox user then your in luck. If you don't have the mozilla firefox browser then I'd suggest you download it first
before going to the next step.

The plugin for firefox is called The Download helper. Its a free plugin that works with the Mozilla browser and pretty much works like this.

First you go to your youtube and find a video you want to download. (assuming you already downloaded the plugin)  If you notice on the top left of the video there is an icon that look like three little colored balls. Click that icon and then scroll to the download.

It will save your file in FLV format. FLV is the flash format so you will need to have a FLV player. You can go to download.com and do a search on flv players or
click here to take you to one I use. This FLV player is not fancy but does the job and plays your downloads.

Now you can view your videos locally.

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